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MiniArt Reviews

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List of MiniArt reviews on this page


  • Soviet Navel Troops

  • 101st US airborne troops

  • coming soon - Soviet Infantry at rest


Soviet Navel Troops

set number:  # 35094

scale:  1/35 - styrene













The set:

This set contains five (5) figures that are walking. Four (4) figures look to be enlisted sailors and the last is an officer. The box art show four (4) figures with black trousers with dark blue jackets, and the fifth in all black. There are seven sprues packed into the box in one plastic bag. Two of the sprues are for the figures and the remaining five sprues are all weapons and personel equipment. All the parts are molded in a gray colored styrene with nice detailing.

The set also includes the new infantry weapons and equipment sets that now comes with most MiniArt figure sets. The weapons are of various types and the equipment is your standard troop personal items ie; canteen,helmet, spade etc. A small instruction sheet showing sprue layout and weapon assembly is included. The rear of the box shows the parts numbers for each figure.















Overall inspection of the parts show some nice detailing, considering these are plastic figures. Well worth the price for those who don't want, or can't afford resin figures.



101st Airborne Div. troops w/german POW's.

set number:  #35089

scale:  1/35 - styrene
















The set:

Ths set contains five figures,3 German POW's and 2 US 101st Airborne soldiers. One US soldier is a medic and is treating and German soldier who is sitting. The other US soldier is guarding the two standing German soldiers.

The set contains two styrene sprues containing all the needed parts. Each figure is molded in separate parts in the form of an upper torso, two leg halves , arms and head. Personal weapons and equipment is supplied for the US airborne troops.

A small instruction sheet showing sprue layout is included. The rear of the box shows the parts numbers for each figure.












                                              Box art - front                                                             Box art - rear



The sprues












Images of the unpainted built figures from the MiniArt website. Overall look of the figures is good, as are the details. Painting with bring out more detail and should prove to be some very handy figures for a small vignette or a diorama.


Soviet Soldiers at rest

set number :  # 35109

scale 1/35 - styrene















The set:

The set also includes the new infantry weapons and equipment sets that now comes with most MiniArt figure sets. The weapons are of various types and the equipment is your standard troop personal items ie; canteen,helmet, spade etc.

The box contains 6 sprues of which two are for the figures and the rest being weapons and equipment. The figures are in separate parts as in other Miniart sets, torso, legs, arms and heads. All figures are posed in relaxed positions with three being seated, one kneeling at a fire and one standing.




























This set would work out great combined with the Miniart Soviet heavy machine gun set. A set well worth having if you want to show Russian soldiers taking a break at the front etc.For the price of the kit and what you get inside, it's well worth having.

Images in the below reviews from the staff of MSC Forum, and courtesy of MiniArt.

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